One important aspect of sex addiction recovery entails the ability to develop greater empathy toward others, especially toward one’s partner. Empathy can be defined as the ability to sense others’ emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be feeling. When the addict’s acting-out behavior is fully disclosed or discovered this can… Read More →
Thought for the Week
Horse Blinders, Human Blinders
In certain types of horse-racing, the owners fit the animals with blinders which block some of their side view. This restriction prevents distraction and allows them to focus only on the finish line. Sex addicts create their own set of blinders which results in what is called compartmentalization. Once the sexual craving begins, the addict,… Read More →
The Troublesome Trio
There are several criteria used to determine if a sexual addiction is present. One of the most telling is that the behavior continues despite negative consequences. For example, getting fired from several jobs in succession for viewing pornography at work or contracting STDs due to unprotected escort sex, not once, but three times. Distorted thinking… Read More →
Sobriety and Recovery
Sobriety and recovery are often thought of as interchangeable terms–but this is not the case. While sobriety is an essential part of recovery, there is much more to recovery than getting sober. For a sex addict, sobriety primarily refers to abstaining from sexually addictive behaviors. Certainly this is an essential part of overcoming addiction–ceasing acting… Read More →
Jekyll and Hyde
In the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a well-respected doctor, with many friends and an impeccable reputation, leads another life as the despicable Mr. Hyde. Sex addicts can often identify with the notion of being two different people, living two lives which are incompatible with each other–yet both exist. Shame and guilt lead… Read More →
Dr. Patrick Carnes, acclaimed sex addiction expert, holds that when sex addicts are having trouble gaining sobriety it’s because they are not asking for help. The idea of asking for help goes against the grain of our society’s idealization of the traits of independence and self-reliance. Wanting/needing help from another is viewed as a weakness,… Read More →
Facing Our Problems and Emotions
There are a number of ways to understand the underpinnings of sexual addiction. One primary way of making sense of this disorder is to see it as a means of coping with strong negative emotions or experiences. These can include low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, anger, wounds from the past, self-hatred, loneliness, grief. Sex addicts have… Read More →