In certain types of horse-racing, the owners fit the animals with blinders which block some of their side view. This restriction prevents distraction and allows them to focus only on the finish line. Sex addicts create their own set of blinders which results in what is called compartmentalization.
Once the sexual craving begins, the addict, in essence, blinds himself to anything but the goal of acting-out. Any thoughts that might deter him are blocked out–the addict only sees straight ahead. No distracting thoughts are allowed, such as, “I am betraying my beloved partner,” “I may get a debilitating STD,” “I am violating my own value system,” “I will experience intense shame and guilt after this.”
Sex addiction recovery includes working diligently to remove the blinders. This can include frequently reviewing a list of acting-out consequences, sharing with your sponsor or accountability person the excuses used to act-out, writing a letter to yourself reminding you of what can be gained by a life of sobriety.
Compartmentalization blinders can be eradicated with time and much effort, and the rewards are many– clear thought, renewed purpose, and a life of greater integrity and wholeness.
~Dr. Bixler